Friday, December 5, 2014

Our Journey Continues...

As we await the arrival of our second child, we enjoy the special feeling that Madelyn brings to our lives. Sometimes I think she is too smart for her own good! We have had lots of fun and plenty of frustrations with our strong-willed little lady. Certainly, we cannot wait to see how good of a big sister she will be!  I can't wait for the memories this holiday.

Madelyn has taken off and is walking all over the place, unless you take her to a store that is, in which she looks at you as to say, "nope." She is learning where noses are and knows that shoes and socks go on her feet. Madelyn is more than helpful when trying to unload the dishwasher...sometimes haha. She is a fan of music and dancing. We definitely have an animated one. Hugs and kisses are some of her favorite signs of affection and I am perfectly okay with that!

Nala and Madelyn are a match made in heaven. She loves her doggie and the doggie loves her. We couldn't be more thrilled...well maybe. She is still a puppy and a tad hyper! They like to cuddle and Madelyn likes to make sure Nala has her toys, at all times.

Our family is doing great and pushing forward this holiday season. I will be graduating soon and Ryan is doing exceptional at his job. He still loves to get on my nerves and I love to back. We have tons planned for the new year. In 2015, we plan on getting rid of the negative and surrounding ourselves with the positive. Ryan and I are overjoyed with the fact we have some great friends to share our experiences with. 

We can't wait to see everyone for Christmas and hope that we find everyone well. Enjoy your day everyone and we will see you soon!
I have developed a love for photography and can't wait to expand my horizons. Enjoy my favorite recent picture (of a picture) ha!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

One year...and picking up speed!

I am writing this a little late but here we have it. Madelyn is one...ONE! Who would have thunk? It went by so fast that I am not even sure what day it is. She is smart as ever, as well as demanding. Madelyn has definitely started to develop :)
Her birthday party went great. Despite the constant setbacks with venues, we finally decided to have the party at our home and it was perfect. Madelyn had a blast spending time with everyone and she enjoyed all of the paper that came with the presents! I think she played with it for a week and most definitely didn't ever want to give it up. Thank you everyone for coming out!
We are definitely busy in our house lately. Madelyn is a busy body and gives us a run for our money. We are getting prepared for this winter and she isn't too sure about this cold stuff. Our first trick-or-treating will be exciting!There is tons planned for the holidays so our days won't be slowing down anytime soon. Having a child that has a tendency to go with the flow has worked in our favor more than once!
The holidays are approaching fast and we are looking forward to seeing everyone. Thank you again to everyone who came out for Madelyn's birthday. We are truly grateful! Until next month...

New Mommy Tip (from a new mommy): Making everything can be hard. Don't be afraid to say no. It can be hard and I am a huge culprit. Remember that if you want to spend time with the family, do so. Don't feel like you have to put everyone else first!

Friday, July 25, 2014

She is growing far too fast...

Well folks, our little lady has hit the 10 month mark. Soon we will all be celebrating her 1st birthday. I can-but can't-wait for her birthday to come! I think it will be lots of fun and am hoping tons of people will be able to enjoy it with us. I am already wondering where all this time has gone. She is an amazing baby and continues to surprise us everyday. Dad and Julie were able to spend some quality time with her this past weekend. (Yay fam camp!) I am grateful that she was able to see them and get extra snuggles in while they were here.

We have a new addition to the family, Nala. She is our sweet little rescue pup. She was fixed this week and I couldn't believe that she acted like nothing happen. We took out your girl parts woman! There she is though: happy as can be. Madelyn loves her and Nala just eats her up-we try to not let her do it literally. We had a hard time picking out which precious pup to get. I plan to go back and visit Mr. Otis (the beautiful Great Dane) :))

Madelyn is learning so much everyday that we just can't keep up. She is now clapping like crazy and is learning to give high fives. She is another step closer to walking. We have no idea what to do when she does take those first steps. Madelyn LOVED the beach at family camp. I can tell we will have a little fish on our hands. We don't always have much time together as a family but sometimes we are able to enjoy ourselves.

We are taking a vacation to Boyne soon! I am very excited. Ryan has been but this will be my first time. I can't wait to see what it looks like up there and just have a few days to relax. We plan on doing tons of fun things, including golf. Hopefully I don't have to keep score with smiley faces and frowney faces this time.

I am still in school and am doing great this semester (so far). I will have a full load next semester and will be taking a long anticipated photography class! As well as a bunch of really boring ones :) Thank you to everyone who has supported me.

P.S. I also think my sister should audition for Hell's Kitchen. Kthanks.

**Food for thought**There has been so much that I have learned over the past few weeks. This includes, but is most certainly not limited to, people will talk about you. It doesn't matter how often they actually speak to YOU. Even those who are supposed to have your back. Everyone wants to make themselves look better and will use the smallest detail of your life to do so. I have also learned that I need to stop trusting everyone. Not everyone is out to get me but not everyone is out to help either.

First time at the beach :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

9 months...and not slowing down.

I wrote this about a week ago-and forgot about it!!! we are. 9 months old. (Soon to be 10 now!) Our little baby is getting so big. She is almost walking and love to pull her self up with anything. She has learned some new things this month! She is starting to stand on her own. She took a few steps with her baby walker in a way that Ryan described as an "old woman with her walker" haha.  Madelyn is growing more hair, although with the little blonde patch in the back, it is hard to tell what color it will be! She is starting to clap her hands together, learned how to use her walker and she can wave. Oh that little wave just melts my heart. We went to the fair and she waved at everything: pigs, cows, ducks and chickens.
It saddens me to see he growing up so fast. I am so excited about everything she is learning yet want her to slow down at the same time. They really do grow up so quickly. I have already begun planning for her birthday. It will be so much fun...and she will be 1!! That day seemed so far away when we were pregnant.
We have a lot going on this summer-Madelyn's first camping trip, our vacation to Boyne and maybe a little impromptu one. Grampa and Gramma Juju are going to get some baby time too! Who knows where the summer will take us?!?!?
We are thoroughly enjoying this parenting thing and getting baby love. Ryan likes them so much sometimes he gets forced baby hugs :) I am happily anticipating her birthday and all the fun we are going to have. However, I would like her to slow down. Till next time-Stay cool.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Month 8...

     What can I say about this last month? Well, Madelyn is crawling. She gets everywhere- into every corner and every tiny space, but it makes her happy to peek out and see if we're watching. She has more hair! Oh, her hair is going to be just beautiful. I just wonder how curly it will be (thanks Dad.) and if she will get a bad girl curl (thanks again, Dad.) She has also started to feed herself :) Madelyn is absolutely amazing and intelligent. There is always that feeling that they aren't developing fast enough but I just have to remember not to worry and by the time I get there, she has learned something new. 
     School has deemed to be difficult this semester. I can honestly say that online classes are not made for this girl. At least I can say that I tried it again. Between school, work and Madelyn-there is barely time for anything else. Sometimes Ryan has to remind me that I can't do everything (and sometimes I remind him that i'm stubborn and don't care what he says i'm going to try anyway haha.)
I think if there was any advice I could give someone at this point, it is to remember that the most important thing is that your little one is happy and healthy. You may not get out to see people, and they may give you a hard time, but it is okay. If you are busy, you're busy, and there is nothing that is going to change that. So first and foremost you need to make sure that you and your family are happy. Sure I wish that I had all sorts of free time to take her everywhere and do everything, but I don't. And that is okay. 
     Can I just point something out here-that many of us are thinking? When I am at the grocery store, it is perfectly acceptable for you to engage my daughter- but don't touch her! I mean really, unless I know you, please don't. Haha. Who does that?! I guess just a mom pet peeve :)
     Well, until next time I will leave you with this. Being a parent is hard work. It means giving up your nights out for possibly a night in with a crabby baby or giving up sleep to make sure your little ones fever breaks. Whatever the situation may be, remember that people are going to complain because they never see you anymore. I know from experience that the people who say that the most, never call me and never stop by. The street works both ways-don't take it so hard. But perhaps I should take my own advice. Haha! :) See you next month!
(Please remember all photos are copyrighted. Do not steal them. Thank you!)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

7 months and going strong...

     My baby is 7 months and I can't believe how fast time is passing! She is already turning into a beautiful little girl. Everything about being a Mom is amazing....well...most things. I could probably do with out random, middle-of-the-night, wake-you-in-a-panic screams that last just long enough to scare the crap out of you. :) She is growing so fast and learning so many things I can't keep up! Let's go over a list of things that Madelyn has learned:

1- Fake cries 
2- Grunting
3- Scooting Backward
4- Being Cute

     I am amazed at how much joy she brings to our life. She makes her dad glow and I am so glad to have a wonderful family. My days are spent waiting to go home and see their faces. There are things that I hope are in our future. If there was ever one piece of advice, I would say to finish school before having a child. Not only is it hard but it takes away so much time that you could be spending together. I am just excited to show everyone, mostly my daughter, that it can be done.
     On another note, I am thoroughly looking forward to this summer and all of the great things we will be able to do. She is going to have so much fun! Hopefully I can slow down a little to enjoy it! Thanks to my cousin Krista, we have been able to get beautiful pictures of our little lady that capture every side of her. Here is a sneak peek. Have a wonderful week!
Photo by: Krista Muskovin Photography

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I'm finally back!

I can't believe it! My account has finally let me in! I apologize for leaving everyone hanging-I was locked out and it would not let me access anything. I am overjoyed to be back blogging and sharing things with you. There is so much to tell! Most of you know that my daughter has already hit the 6 month mark. She is growing so fast I can't even keep up. She has been rolling over, sitting up and talks her little heart away. She has had a few viruses this year since joining daycare but we know-it's completely normal. Madelyn is absolutely the little light in our eye. She keeps us going everyday. I look forward to hearing her little coos and laughter in the morning, but I think the best is her hugs. Oh. Her hugs. I love the way she smiles at her Daddy and the way she scratches her head (now that she has discovered that). Madelyn can hold her own bottles (she can get lazy and decide she wants us to do it) and she absolutely loves her feet. There is so much to share with everyone that I don't know where to go next! Madelyn has sacrificed some dear Mommy time due to school but she is a trooper and gets excited the next morning when I get her from the crib. She has developed a little separation anxiety and really doesn't like to be put down for bed because of it. She has always been great about going to sleep until now. Unfortunately, it makes for some tattered nerves by the end of it all. I hope this post finds everyone well and please-share your family/baby/work/school updates with me! I will see you all next month!