Friday, July 25, 2014

She is growing far too fast...

Well folks, our little lady has hit the 10 month mark. Soon we will all be celebrating her 1st birthday. I can-but can't-wait for her birthday to come! I think it will be lots of fun and am hoping tons of people will be able to enjoy it with us. I am already wondering where all this time has gone. She is an amazing baby and continues to surprise us everyday. Dad and Julie were able to spend some quality time with her this past weekend. (Yay fam camp!) I am grateful that she was able to see them and get extra snuggles in while they were here.

We have a new addition to the family, Nala. She is our sweet little rescue pup. She was fixed this week and I couldn't believe that she acted like nothing happen. We took out your girl parts woman! There she is though: happy as can be. Madelyn loves her and Nala just eats her up-we try to not let her do it literally. We had a hard time picking out which precious pup to get. I plan to go back and visit Mr. Otis (the beautiful Great Dane) :))

Madelyn is learning so much everyday that we just can't keep up. She is now clapping like crazy and is learning to give high fives. She is another step closer to walking. We have no idea what to do when she does take those first steps. Madelyn LOVED the beach at family camp. I can tell we will have a little fish on our hands. We don't always have much time together as a family but sometimes we are able to enjoy ourselves.

We are taking a vacation to Boyne soon! I am very excited. Ryan has been but this will be my first time. I can't wait to see what it looks like up there and just have a few days to relax. We plan on doing tons of fun things, including golf. Hopefully I don't have to keep score with smiley faces and frowney faces this time.

I am still in school and am doing great this semester (so far). I will have a full load next semester and will be taking a long anticipated photography class! As well as a bunch of really boring ones :) Thank you to everyone who has supported me.

P.S. I also think my sister should audition for Hell's Kitchen. Kthanks.

**Food for thought**There has been so much that I have learned over the past few weeks. This includes, but is most certainly not limited to, people will talk about you. It doesn't matter how often they actually speak to YOU. Even those who are supposed to have your back. Everyone wants to make themselves look better and will use the smallest detail of your life to do so. I have also learned that I need to stop trusting everyone. Not everyone is out to get me but not everyone is out to help either.

First time at the beach :)

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