Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Month 8...

     What can I say about this last month? Well, Madelyn is crawling. She gets everywhere- into every corner and every tiny space, but it makes her happy to peek out and see if we're watching. She has more hair! Oh, her hair is going to be just beautiful. I just wonder how curly it will be (thanks Dad.) and if she will get a bad girl curl (thanks again, Dad.) She has also started to feed herself :) Madelyn is absolutely amazing and intelligent. There is always that feeling that they aren't developing fast enough but I just have to remember not to worry and by the time I get there, she has learned something new. 
     School has deemed to be difficult this semester. I can honestly say that online classes are not made for this girl. At least I can say that I tried it again. Between school, work and Madelyn-there is barely time for anything else. Sometimes Ryan has to remind me that I can't do everything (and sometimes I remind him that i'm stubborn and don't care what he says i'm going to try anyway haha.)
I think if there was any advice I could give someone at this point, it is to remember that the most important thing is that your little one is happy and healthy. You may not get out to see people, and they may give you a hard time, but it is okay. If you are busy, you're busy, and there is nothing that is going to change that. So first and foremost you need to make sure that you and your family are happy. Sure I wish that I had all sorts of free time to take her everywhere and do everything, but I don't. And that is okay. 
     Can I just point something out here-that many of us are thinking? When I am at the grocery store, it is perfectly acceptable for you to engage my daughter- but don't touch her! I mean really, unless I know you, please don't. Haha. Who does that?! I guess just a mom pet peeve :)
     Well, until next time I will leave you with this. Being a parent is hard work. It means giving up your nights out for possibly a night in with a crabby baby or giving up sleep to make sure your little ones fever breaks. Whatever the situation may be, remember that people are going to complain because they never see you anymore. I know from experience that the people who say that the most, never call me and never stop by. The street works both ways-don't take it so hard. But perhaps I should take my own advice. Haha! :) See you next month!
(Please remember all photos are copyrighted. Do not steal them. Thank you!)

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