This is me (left), my Dad (Mike) and my sister (Anna). We are a very close-knit family. Extended and all. It can be overwhelming at times but always comes out great at the end. I am not sure what I would do with out my family. Including the times I would like to choke them...or is that just the hormones? I'm not so sure anymore. Haha. This picture is to give you an idea of my who I spend my time with. Please keep in mind, that this photo does not include everyone, myself included (SERIOUSLY, I think they forgot about me!)
My family also includes some very close friends and their children, whom I've adopted as my nieces and nephews. The nieces Jimmie and Olivia and nephews Tristan and Brody. I also have GOT to mention my bff's in my bff club! Kenz and Jacob. (Before I continue, I should probably share...that I LOVE PICTURES! They capture the moments of my life that mean the most and I want to share them with everyone!)
(Brody and Olivia)
(Kenz and I)
Anyways, this is undeniably my first child. As unplanned and unexpected as it may be, I am still excited to meet the little nugget. Ryan (boyfriend and little nuggets father-who would NOT approve of his picture being on here) and I are oh-so-scared out of our minds. We were not together for very long before-SURPRISE!! I was pregnant and we were on our way to being parents. I do know that as uncertainty I have, we will be the best parents we can be. We won't let each other be defeated :)
I am currently 17 weeks along and in just a few short weeks, we will find out the gender! Maybe then picking out names will become more real. As or right now, we play the how-about-no-game. It makes finding a name exhausting.
I am going to close my first blog entry with this advice, do not be afraid to lean on someone. Whether it is a friend, cousin, aunt, uncle or the dog (which I do often...). You are going to need it, regardless of how strong you are. Until next is a picture of my favorite pup (who gets much leaning, literally...)
and we all love and support you always!! just like you have for me ;) love you!