Tuesday, April 22, 2014

7 months and going strong...

     My baby is 7 months and I can't believe how fast time is passing! She is already turning into a beautiful little girl. Everything about being a Mom is amazing....well...most things. I could probably do with out random, middle-of-the-night, wake-you-in-a-panic screams that last just long enough to scare the crap out of you. :) She is growing so fast and learning so many things I can't keep up! Let's go over a list of things that Madelyn has learned:

1- Fake cries 
2- Grunting
3- Scooting Backward
4- Being Cute

     I am amazed at how much joy she brings to our life. She makes her dad glow and I am so glad to have a wonderful family. My days are spent waiting to go home and see their faces. There are things that I hope are in our future. If there was ever one piece of advice, I would say to finish school before having a child. Not only is it hard but it takes away so much time that you could be spending together. I am just excited to show everyone, mostly my daughter, that it can be done.
     On another note, I am thoroughly looking forward to this summer and all of the great things we will be able to do. She is going to have so much fun! Hopefully I can slow down a little to enjoy it! Thanks to my cousin Krista, we have been able to get beautiful pictures of our little lady that capture every side of her. Here is a sneak peek. Have a wonderful week!
Photo by: Krista Muskovin Photography