I can't believe it! My account has finally let me in! I apologize for leaving everyone hanging-I was locked out and it would not let me access anything. I am overjoyed to be back blogging and sharing things with you. There is so much to tell! Most of you know that my daughter has already hit the 6 month mark. She is growing so fast I can't even keep up. She has been rolling over, sitting up and talks her little heart away. She has had a few viruses this year since joining daycare but we know-it's completely normal. Madelyn is absolutely the little light in our eye. She keeps us going everyday. I look forward to hearing her little coos and laughter in the morning, but I think the best is her hugs. Oh. Her hugs. I love the way she smiles at her Daddy and the way she scratches her head (now that she has discovered that). Madelyn can hold her own bottles (she can get lazy and decide she wants us to do it) and she absolutely loves her feet. There is so much to share with everyone that I don't know where to go next! Madelyn has sacrificed some dear Mommy time due to school but she is a trooper and gets excited the next morning when I get her from the crib. She has developed a little separation anxiety and really doesn't like to be put down for bed because of it. She has always been great about going to sleep until now. Unfortunately, it makes for some tattered nerves by the end of it all. I hope this post finds everyone well and please-share your family/baby/work/school updates with me! I will see you all next month!