I suppose I could reveal to you what the ultrasound showed...its a velociraptor folks. That's right. I am birthing a tiny little dinosaur. No? Okay, okay. It's a GIRL! Yes, we were hoping for a boy, but I am still excited! Ryan is...nervous haha. He is probably most afraid that he won't know what to do with her. I have done my best to reassure him, it will all come when we welcome her into the world, i'm just not so sure my words are doing any good. He will be a great dad.
Here I am. 23 weeks. Many things are going on these days, yet the time (and energy) may be lacking. We are trying to get everything in order. The house, our rooms, the baby's room, the yard and somewhere in between there eat and breathe. OH and the registry. I have worked on that thing for a total of four hours and guess what, its still not done. Those things take FOREVER! There are so many things that are incorporated with it, it's exhausting.
On a better, much less stressful note, I can feel her move constantly. The way she moves, kicks and flips-I am pretty sure she is going to be a ninja. It is the most amazing feeling though. I think if there is anything I will miss about being pregnant, it is feeling every move she makes and her little heartbeat. At first I wasn't sure if I was crazy but feeling the heartbeat was phenomenal. As I sit here blogging, she is just kicking away and I love it.
I am going to close this blog a little early. It is late and this mamma needs to go to bed. I do want to leave you with this thought. As scary as things can be, I believe that I can do it. We can do it. I have my days where I am not so sure, but I sub-consciously know that we make a great team. There is so much in both of our lives that makes us scared. I just take everything day by day. I found a quote today that as simple as it is, means so much. It doesn't say where it came from but states "We are all a little broken & that's okay." Just take some time to let that sink in.