Thursday, May 9, 2013

Excitement in the womb!

      Here we are folks. Week 20. Half way through the pregnancy. (Needless to say, I obviously suck at blogging hahaha) Only 3 days remain until we find out what we are having. YIKES! I have to say I am freaking out a bit. Its exciting and scary all at the same time. After this, it will all feel real. I can finally answer everyone's question and maybe nail down a name.
      For any other new mom's out there, don't get it twisted. Everyone has their own opinion on whether or not you should know the gender. (It is very true, many moms will try and tell you how to be pregnant) When someone asks me why I want to know the gender of my baby, I merely say "Ain't nobody got time for all that guessin'." Then, after I crack myself up, I usually explain that there's enough to worry about. I don't need to worry about whether I can buy this color or that lamp. Is this too girly or is that too boyish. I just simply don't have time.
     I have definitely started to feel the pressure to get things done. I feel like there is absolutely no time to get everything situated before the baby comes. Not to mention, money. Ugh. Money. Anyone have a bagillion dollars I can just...have? No? Alright. Money pressure not only comes from you but others as well. There are certain people that it's okay for them to say "Hey, you have [this much] time to get everything." Others- not so much. We worry about it enough, we don't need anyone else stating that I am running out of time and stressing me out.
     The next big stress-er people put on you is your diet. No, I don't drink 5 liters of pop a day, so please when you see me with a large McDonald's Coke, hush ya face. Haha. I have put myself on a sodium watch. I realized just how much sodium is in everything. Flavored water. Really? I did find that dried Apricots have no sodium and lots of other goodies in them. Besides that, they're delicious! Also, I discovered Breakfast Essentials mix. Soooooo good! I drink one every morning. It has about 90 mg of sodium, lots of goodies and folic acid!
     We also felt the baby kick this week! It was very exciting! Felt strange...but was exciting. Ryan was able to feel it a few days after I was. The little nugget didn't make a move when Ryan was around haha. It made us even more excited for "it" to arrive. I think that in this crazy world with all the stress, it gave us something that we could just stop for a minute and forget everything else.
     My pregnancy has been a learning experience and a test of my, and Ryan's, patience (or lack-there-of). There is plenty of learning left to do. I am hoping to gain everything I can out of this time in my life. We will see where the next few weeks takes me.